COVID-19 SERVICES: We help link New Yorkers to free, safe, and confidential testing, vaccines and boosters for COVID-19. We distribute prevention items such as masks, antibacterial gel and bilingual informative literature in our community outreach events.

LGBTQIA+ SERVICES: We help empower and educate LGBTQIA+ people through workshops, navigation services in personal wellness and legal support in Spanish. We cover learning topics in: personal safety, seeking help, empowerment, honesty and self-care.

HEALTH INSURANCE for all New Yorkers. Our certified navigators are available to help individuals and their families apply for health insurance: at no-cost, low-cost, and Medicaid for those who qualify.

NYC CARE is a health care access program that guarantees low-cost and no-cost services to New Yorkers who don't qualify for or can't afford health insurance. All services are provided through NYC Health + Hospitals.

ACCESS HEALTH: Resources and connections to social, legal, medical services, and access to benefits programs.

SNAP Connection: A Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that issues electronic benefits that can be used like cash to buy food.

At Voces Latinas, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. That's why we offer a range of Health Care Services to help ensure that individuals and families have the support they need to stay healthy. Our certified navigators can assist with health insurance applications, including no-cost, low-cost, and Medicaid options. Additionally, we provide resources and connections to social, legal, and medical services, as well as benefits programs through our ACCESS HEALTH program. For those who need assistance with nutrition, our SNAP Connection program offers access to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits. We also offer information and consultation about CHAGAS disease, as well as free, safe, and confidential testing, vaccines, and boosters for Mpox. At Voces Latinas, we are committed to helping New Yorkers lead healthy, happy lives.